Brian Attwell
2010-06-09 05:48:58 UTC
I've been trying to set up partners for the assignment and am receiving
an error message.
The file contains:
Submit Attempt:
student:~/cs246/Project> ls
student:~/cs246/Project> submit cs246 segroup .
Cannot chdir to /u/cs246/handin/segroup/#bcattwel.26603
In total, 0 files were copied successfully.
No files have yet been submitted by bcattwell for cs246 (assignment
To submit files from the current directory, try:
submit cs246 segroup .
Is this message familiar? Am I doing something naive? Or, is my account
not in some list? I switched into SE a year ago, so it is possible that
my student.cs account may not be set up typically.
Something else that is odd: the message states "No files have yet been
submitted by bcattwell". My account name is not bcattwell, rather
bcattwel. Maybe this is a clue.
Thanks for any help,
Brian Attwell
I've been trying to set up partners for the assignment and am receiving
an error message.
The file contains:
Submit Attempt:
student:~/cs246/Project> ls
student:~/cs246/Project> submit cs246 segroup .
Cannot chdir to /u/cs246/handin/segroup/#bcattwel.26603
In total, 0 files were copied successfully.
No files have yet been submitted by bcattwell for cs246 (assignment
To submit files from the current directory, try:
submit cs246 segroup .
Is this message familiar? Am I doing something naive? Or, is my account
not in some list? I switched into SE a year ago, so it is possible that
my student.cs account may not be set up typically.
Something else that is odd: the message states "No files have yet been
submitted by bcattwell". My account name is not bcattwell, rather
bcattwel. Maybe this is a clue.
Thanks for any help,
Brian Attwell